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The Bat Man

To the bat man, 
I wish I could blame you for this. 
Sure, you were the catalyst.
It was your body
that metabolized the chicken
that ate the bat
that ate the corn
that harvested the virus
(or some other serpentine account
of what should have been a meaningless coincidence).
But implicating you
for infecting thousands 
is like blaming the planes
for destroying the Twin Towers.
While the catastrophic intention 
was not found in the wet market,
(as it was in Iraq), 
the effect produced is identical. 
Except, Bat Man, 
In our case
there is no embrace, 
no hand holding or unification, 
this time
our country will not come together
in an attempt to fight back against the invasion. 
This virus has not only spread it’s microbes, 
It has spread us 
You, in your mask, 
Us, in ours.
Ensuring that no contact, 
however diminutive,
takes place between your victims.
Your body became a host 
for a microscopic germ
that has plagued the world,
So too this virus has become a host
for societal bacteria
that should have been eradicated
long ago.
You are the bat man.
Not the superhero,
but just as absurd. 


  1. Wait...this is such a cool concept...alluding to Batman! I especially love the ending when you say "Not the superhero,/but just as impossible." Not only does this work incredibly well with the allusion, but also highlights how surreal this whole situation is. If I were to edit anything about this poem, it would be regarding word choice. I think there is a way to have your poem feel more lyrical. It may also help adding more imagery and description. For instance, you say "an array of societal issues," but the reader may not necessarily know what you mean by that. Perhaps adding a little more to that could really take this poem to the next level!

  2. Loved this poem! I thought the angle that the speaker takes in this piece was really refreshing. I especially love your use of anaphora in the following lines (It was your body/that metastasized the chicken/that ate the bat/that ate the corn/that harvested the virus), as it pairs beautifully with the speaker's initial perception of the virus as a cascade of events that led to this supposedly "meaningless coincidence." The only thing I'd recommend is bringing in a bit more imagery. Perhaps a line or two to make the reader really feel the virus's effect on the "thousands of innocent people." Awesome job though!

  3. I'm nominating this poem for workshop discussion tomorrow. There are several things going on here that I want to discuss: how you sustain the thought from line to line, your use of the Batman allusion (and other possibilities for allusion), your concise narrative of the virus' origin, the underlying message, and so on. This is a richly layered and timely poem that I think will stimulate an excellent workshop discussion. More soon!

  4. I know we already spoke about this poem in class, but I just wanted to offer some brief comments here as well. :)
    I LOVE how this is titled "The Bat Man," and how that symbolism yet irony manifests throughout the poem; the play on words is so clever and effective.
    I'm wondering why you chose to capitalize Bat Man someplace in the poem, but not elsewhere? What was the deeper meaning behind the switch up?
    Such a great job

  5. I liked the first draft, but this new one is so great Ellie. Your line breaks are so well done - not too excessive and perfectly times. - the suttle end rhyme in "In our case / there is no embrace," the literal splitting in "It has spread us / apart . / You, in your mask, / Us, in ours." Just so good.

    I was thinking to maybe delete "so too" before "this virus has become a host" because your reader knows to look for analogies and yours are so strong that it doesn't even need that explicit comparative transition phrase.

  6. This poem is great. You use science, pop culture and biblical refferences. I am just wondering...society has been coming together to help each other so what isolation are you talking about? Also your last line is perfect Corona and super heros are ridiculous


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